Today, we received our Child Abuse and Neglect (CANS) forms, finger print cards, and State Police Clearance Letter. The CANS forms are basically a criminal history/background check. The forms were completed online by the two of us, but we have to get them notarized and then will mail them to our social worker and she’ll submit them to Security Biometric Clearing Network (SBCN) (a.k.a. really scary-sounding place). We also have to go to our local police dept or DHR office to get finger print cards processed.
Thursday November 17th is our first meeting with our social worker. I know it will take a while for a child to be placed with us, but we are excited to get things moving along (hence, this blog, where I feel the need to post every little thing that is happening).
Side Note: T-Shirts are in; please see me, call me, email me if you’d like to buy one. They are really cute and were designed by our kids, Gage (10) & Cady (5). $12 for kid sizes, $15 for adult, $20 for XXL. All profits go directly to our adoption account.
I'm very excited for all of us.